Υπολειπόμενος χρόνος: 6:57

Complete the table with the suitable Past forms of the verbs.

Ερώτηση 1 / 1 (Αντιστοίχιση — 20 βαθμοί) 

Match the verbs to the right form of Past Tense

Στήλη Α Κάντε την αντιστοιχία Στήλη B
1. set
A. began
2. sit
B. meant
3. dominate
C. acted
4. begin
D. did
5. eat
E. decorated
6. celebrate
F. sat
7. drink
G. set
8. sing
H. paid
9. read
I. dominated
10. attend
J. drank
11. decorate
K. became
12. get away
L. sang
13. act
M. prepared
14. see
N. saw
15. pay
O. got away
16. become
P. went
17. mean
Q. read
18. go
R. ate
19. prepare
S. attended
20. do
T. celebrated