A matching exercise

Ερώτηση 1 (Αντιστοίχιση — 5 βαθμοί) 

Match the correct halves to make the sentences

Στήλη Α Κάντε την αντιστοιχία Στήλη B
1. When I visited the village of Souda in Crete last Easter,
A. we saw a large fire outside the church
2. While we waiting for “Χριστός Ανέστη”,
B. people released homemade lanterns in the dark sky
3. As soon as the fire started,
C. he said it was a very old tradition
4. We could hear the fireworks exploding
D. I witnessed a strange, amazing custom.
5. When we asked the event organizer about the custom,
E. while the priests were singing religious hymns