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Σε αυτή την ενότητα θα ασχοληθούμε με την ιστορία "The Three Billy Goats Gruff".

Πριν συναντηθούμε στην Webex την [ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ & ΩΡΑ], θα πρέπει να διαβάσετε το παρακάτω κείμενο:

Narrator: Once upon a time, there were three Billy goats. There was a small goat.
Small Goat: Hello. I’m Small Billy goat.
Narrator: There was a medium-sized goat.
Medium-sized Goat: Hello. I’m Medium-sized Billy goat.
Narrator: And there was a big goat.
Big Goat: Hello. I’m Big Billy goat.

Narrator: They lived in the hills. One day, they saw a beautiful field of green grass. The three goats liked grass.
Small goat: Look! Look at the green grass! Oh, I’m hungry!
Medium-sized goat: Oh, I’m very hungry!
Big goat: Oh, I’m very- very hungry!

Narrator: The three goats saw a little wooden bridge and wanted to cross it. But there was a troll under the bridge. He was a very bad troll.
Troll: This is my bridge.

Narrator: The smallest Billy Goat went onto the bridge. Trip trap, trip trap. The troll heard the small goat.
Troll: Who’s going trip trap on my bridge?
Small goat: It’s me. I want to eat the grass.
Troll: Come here. I want to eat you.
Small goat: No, no. Please don’t eat me, I’m too small. Wait for my brother. He’s big and fat! You can eat him up!
Troll: OK.

Narrator: And the little goat went over the bridge. Medium-sized Billy Goat came over the bridge. Trip trap, trip trap.
Troll: Who’s going trip trap on my bridge?
Medium-sized goat: It’s me. I want to eat the grass.
Troll: Come here. I want to eat you.
Medium-sized goat: No, no. Please don’t eat me. Wait for my brother. He’s very big and fat! You can eat him up!
Troll: OK.

Narrator: And the medium-sized goat went over the bridge. The Big Billy Goat came over the bridge. Trip trap, trip trap.
Troll: - Who’s going trip trap on my bridge?
Big goat: It’s me. I’m hungry. I want to eat the grass.
Troll: Come here. I’m hungry. I want to eat you.
Big goat: OK. Here I come.

Narrator: The big goat ran at the troll and hit him.
Troll: Help!
Narrator: The troll ran away. The big goat went over the bridge.
The goats: Goodbye, troll! Ha…Ha…Ha!
Narrator: The three goats ate the green grass. They were very happy. And they lived happily ever after.