Unit 2 Echoes of the past,lesson 5 ,Across the Ages ,2nd Grade of Junior High School STUDENT'S BOOK προχ.

 Do you feel like going back in time ? Lesson 5 Across the Ages  pages 33 ,34 ,  is the answer.

  The lost world of  Pompeii  is to be discovered  by 

 -  learning and talking about everyday life ( jobs ,activities,entertainment )

  -focusing on the geological phenomenon that changed the city ( volcanic eruption ) // When        Pompei met its fate 

 -   Reading and talking about archeological discoveries ,techniques. 

                                    What to do list before the meeting  

a)  Study the Glossary 

b)  Read the text and answer the questions

c)   Exercises  ( T/F ,Matching , gap filling )

d)  Watch the video and answer the questions  

e)   Assignment 


Unit 2.lesson 5 glossaryStudentNew Microsoft Word Document (3).docx

A)STUDENT'S BOOK  2nd Grade  page  34.  

 Read the text

 Answer the  questions 

1) Why do you think the writer chose this specific title?

2)  What happened on the day of the eruption ?

3)  What was an ordinary day like in Pompei?

4)  What would you expect to see in the local museum in this city today?

5)  When time stood still. Find a synonym in the text

6)  What findings did the archeologists bring to light in 1748 ?

       Watch the video  " A Day in POMPEII'' to find out why time stood still 

Close ended exercises
Close ended exercises
Close ended exercises

 2)  Watch the video  and answer the questions 

 1) What is the Termopolium?  A) tavern    B) bar     C)  fast food  stall

 2)  Where is it placed ?

 3)  Food remains offer an insight into their -----------------------------------------------------------------------

 4)   What are they analysing the material inside the containers for? 

 5)   Researchers discovered a frescoed Thermopolium .What are the frescoes showing ? (paintings done on the wall )


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